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K Laboratories Inc

335 West Snell Road., Oshkosh, Wisconsin - 54901, United States

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K Laboratories Inc
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Strawberry Farming

Strawberry Farming

It is hereby agreed that K Laboratories, Inc. will provide the following services during 2012-2013season :
  • Soil Testing with Complete Fertilizer Recommendations
  • 6 Plant Tissue Analysis with Complete Fertilizer Recommendations
    • Production Counseling

  • Fall Soil Test and Complete Fertilizer Recommendation
  • Complete soil analysis for fall fertilizer recommendations to insure better growth in the following year
  • Spring Soil Test & Complete Fertilizer Recommendation
  • Composite soil samples will be taken from each year planting and analyzed for :
    pH, Buffer pH, Organic Matter %, ENR, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Sulfur, CEC (% Base Saturation for Sodium, Hydrogen, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium), Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Aluminum, and Molybdenum.
    Corrective dry and liquid fertilizer recommendations will be given based on each soil test.
  • Summer Strawberry Plant Tissue Analysis
  • In the months of June or July, and August, one leaf sample will be taken from each test site and analyzed for :
    Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Aluminum and Molybdenum
  • Cost
    • 10 acres or less, includes consultation and recommendation for :
      • 4 soil and 3 plant samples - $ 500.00
    • More than 10 acres, less than 50 acres, includes consultation and recommendation for
      • 8 soil and 8 plant samples - $ 750.00

Payment shall be made at sign up (see below for payment schedule).

Additional Testing
Additional testing of soil, plant tissue, if necessary, will be charged to the K Laboratories, Inc. at the prevailing rates :
  • Soil Test Analysis, Interpretation and Fertilizer Recommendations - $45.00
  • Plant Tissue Analysis, Interpretation and Fertilizer Recommendations - $45.00

There will be a 10% discount to K Laboratories, Inc. club members.