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High-Tech Farming Need for Future Growth
This report will provide information about KAGLAB.COM Projects International and their 30 years of agricultural activities in the US and other part of world.

KAGLAB.COM Labs and, Dr. Akhtar Khwaja, for some time have been developing commercial projects for field crops, especially Soybean, Vegetables, Trees, Black Walnut, Paulownia, Ginseng, Cranberry, Blueberry Green house plants and Christmas trees and 300 hundred herbal plants in all kind of growing media including different soil types.

Projects Potential for Future Development
  • Soybean Project for Edible Oil. ,
  • Paulonia Tree Plantation for Packing Materials
  • Blackwalnut Tree Plantaion for Vaneer
  • Liquid Fertilizer Plant for Nutritional Need of the Crops
  • Drip Irrigation Project.for Water Contrl
  • Distilation Plant for Rose Extract for Rose Comsumption,
  • Soybean Oil Extraction Plant.
  • Land Development Project.for High Value Plants, Herbs.
  • Stevia and 300 Time More Sweter Than Sugar, Product Sale for Diabiatic Patiance.
  • Blue Berry Production in Norther Proviences for Cash Crop
  • Seed Production and Post Harvest Physiology for Handling Fruits and Vegetables for Growers.


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KAGLAB.COM scientist working on drip irrigation project in Bahamas Vegetable production project. Using drip irrigation allows water, chemicals

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Developing vegetable production on plastics for weed and temperature control in plant production. Several projects completed on plastics under Dr. Akhtar Khwaja direction.

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Dr. M Bhatti visit sugarcane plantation in Jati , Sindh, Pakistan

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KAGLAB.COM scientist working in Bahamas vegetable production project. 400 acres vegetable production in Bahamas Island.

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KAGLAB.COM soil scientist studies the soil in Pakistan southern provinces for crop production in area where the water is in short supply.

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Dr. Akhtar Khwaja PhD and Certified Soil Scientist and Dr. M. Bhatti MD discussing the potential soybean and wheat projects with farmer in Northern Pakistan. January 2008.

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Dr. Akhtar Khwaja PhD and CPC presenting project development ideas for potential investors.

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Dr. Akhtar Khwaja and Dr. Huq discussing the potential of soil for high value crops in Sindh Pakistan.

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Dr. Akhtar Khwaja and his potential Middle Eastern clients, Dubai, UAE.

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Study the various crops and orchard plants grown in greenhouse condition in Abu Dhabi. 2009.

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Knowing soil properties is important of developing soybean projects in anywhere in the world. Dr. Akhtar khwaja PhD study the soil type in mid west, USA.

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Planting soybean in salt affected area after rice in Jati, Sindh, Pakistan, Study the various planting method under irrigation. Over 10,000 acres are available for planting crops at this location.

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Greenhouse project are developing in Abu Dhabi for vegetable production

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Using latest farming equipment is important in success of the project in third world.

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Ginseng roots production increased by 200% under KAGLAB.COM Scientist program in central Wisconsin USA.

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Growing blue berries in northern Pakistan with the support of lab is key in successfully implementing the new projects in new area

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Tree plantation is important area where the KAGLAB.COM is focusing presently

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Growing soybean in Brazil and in USA where KAGLAB.COM scientist have contributed significantly in developing the projects.

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Several projects in USA and Canada of tree planting were completed by KAGLAB.COM experts.

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Planting walnuts in northern USA, KAGLAB.COM scientist was recently involved.

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